Saturday, April 18, 2009

Walter, Gale and the New Guy

I may have a ton of Urlacher stuff, but my favorite things are still those Walter Payton collectibles. My daughter bought me the 12 inch McFarlane figure (white jersey) for Christmas and I always seem to pick up a few other items here and there.

I now have a framed Memorial Program from Walter Payton's service at Soldier Field. I'm sure that Walter is up there with the Angels, just wished he could have stayed here on Earth a while longer. I'll bet he would have done some great things. Please check out the Walter and Connie Payton Foundation and see how you can help.

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I bought another 1992 Sport's Impressions figurines, club edition. Some guy was just selling them way too cheap, like under $10. They are worth $100. Now I have a new one still in the box. ETOPPS offered a Super Bowl Series Walter Payton card, so I now have that in my ETOPPS collection.
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I hit paydirt with a couple of new Gale Sayers figurines. They are both autographed, well supposedly, and have values of $300.00 each. Of course, I would only have them because I lucked into some pennies on the dollar deal. One is the 8 inch 1992 Sports is extremely nice and the signature card is very, very good. The other is a Salvino figure and is kind of an odd helmetless figure. The helmet comes with it, but the thing has no face mask (at least mine doesn't)and the helmet is way too small for the figure. The worst part is that it looks like some fool "traced" over a fading autograph. Oh well, that's Ebay for you. Sometimes it's REALLY good and SOMETIMES it's more like 'ya get what ya pay for'. My problem is that I refuse to return any items because I have waited so long to procure them. Anyway, my Gale Sayers shelf is looking mighty, might fine!
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...and NOW there is the new guy, Matt, what a great Rookie year HE had. He's the man! I hope that he can have a super career and end up some day being mentioned in the same sentences as Sayers and Payton. I was a little leary of buying any expensive rookie cards of Forte, because I've been screwed too many times in the past...ex. Enis, McNown, Grossman, I decided to go another way. I bought an autographed picture with COA and picture/video proof of his signing. The nice thing about the picture, well first of all, IT'S HUGE at's Forte's VERY FIRST GAME against the Colts, PLUS, it is the 4th or 5th carry of the game where Forte runs 5o yards for a touchdown...HIS VERY FIRST NFL TOUCHDOWN! Also, I like the fact that the autograph was signed in 2008, his first year. He may sign that same picture the rest of his playing days, but I will always know that mine was signed October 8, 2008. I did buy his ETOPPS rookie card too, because that is part of my collection.
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